COMTEC RM in action: Field-tested for your success

Real success stories: How our solution overcomes digital challenges

Discover inspiring success stories here that show how COMTEC RM has sustainably optimised digital space and resource management in various industries. Experience first-hand how our customised solutions make work processes more efficient - without the use of pen and paper. Let us inspire you and convince you of the practical use cases.

FEZ Berlin: Efficient resource management for diversity

Learn how Europe's largest non-profit child, youth and family centre successfully manages its resources and responds flexibly to change with our solution. Read our whitepaper for more insights.

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University of Innsbruck: Digital education management made easy

Find out how The University of Innsbruck makes education more digital in a timely, efficient and cost-saving way with Comtec.

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University City of Tübingen:
Movement in planning

Find out how Tübingen optimised the management and occupancy planning of its sports facilities with the help of our solution. Discover the individual solution that efficiently combines a wide range of requirements. More details in the whitepaper.

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Learn how our solution drives businesses forward

Discover how we help organisations and institutions to manage a wide range of space and resource management tasks. Find out how our modular system optimises processes and simplifies organisational work.

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